Monday, September 21, 2009

Sandra's Bridal Shower

On Saturday, September 19, I went to my cousin's Sandra bridal shower party. It took place in San luis, Rio Colorado, Sonora, Mexico. The party started around 7 p.m. and ended around 1 a.m.

They served birria, it was cooked by Juan Carlos, her fiancee. Sandra and Juan Carlos will marry by the judge on October 13, which is her birthday, and marry by the church on October 17. I wish them the best in everything, and may they live happily ever after. Posted you will see pictures of me, Sandra, and Juan Carlos and also, Alicia, me, and my comadre Nelly. I also had to throw in a picture of myself with my uncle Julian, he's such a character.

Mexican Independence Day

Mexican Indepence Day is celebrated on September 16. September 16, 1810 was the day the Mexican people lead by Hidalgo, started to fight for independence from Spain.

Today on September 15, people gather at the zocalo in Mexico city as well as other cities in Mexico to re enact and ring the bell for freedom. When the clock strikes midnight, the festivities begin. Viva Mexico!

Monday, September 14, 2009

September 11

It's been eight years since September 11, 2001. This date changed a lot of people's lives. It changed the United States and it changed the world.
I remember that day as if it was yesterday. I was sleeping and my father knocked on my door and told me to turn on the TV. I couldn't believe what was happening.
I kept asking myself, why did this happen? Why is there so much hatred in this world?
Every September 11 will be a day to remember. My prayers to all the victims, and the families who lost a loved one on this day.
This picture is how Manhattan was seen from the space shuttle in orbit.

G-Force The Movie

On Sunday, I saw the movie G-Force at the theater. Walt Disney production made this movie. It's about 4 guinea pigs who work for the secret service. They are trying to stop a billionaire to take over the world with his homemade appliances that come into life.

This movie is fun, entertaining, and very cute. In the end, it made me think. What if a home appliance does come into life and start shooting at me? Something to think about. Hmmmm...