Friday, December 18, 2009

Executive Order From Arizona Governor Brewer

Yesterday, I issued an Executive Order encouraging the celebration of Christmas and Hanukkah and prohibiting any censorship of these religious holidays.
As you may know, in the past, state and local officials in Arizona (and elsewhere) have attempted to strip both Christmas and Hanukkah of their meaning, including establishment of policies forbidding state employees from placing religious items of celebration at their desks, re-naming of Christmas trees as "holiday" trees, and renaming of Menorahs as "candlesticks."
Under my administration, I will call things what they are...a Christmas Tree and a Menorah... and will gladly allow both Christmas and Hanukkah to be celebrated at the State Capitol. I encourage my colleagues and fellow elected officials to do the same.
Finally, as I have mentioned before, this is also a season for fire safety. Please remember to be careful with your Christmas lights and any other holiday decorations. Remember to keep your tree watered and to keep a watchful eye on lit candles. Please be safe.
May God bless you, your home, and all of Arizona.


Jan Brewer

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