Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Another Questionnaire

Ok, I get these questionnaires all the time, so I went ahead and posted this one too. Enjoy!

Where is your cell phone? Charging in the living room.

Significant other? Sick in bed :(

Your hair? brown

Your mother? she's home

Your father? working

Your favorite thing? my favorite thing? laptop :) and digital camera.

Your dream last night? Lots of rain

Your favorite drink? depends. rootbeer as soda , coors and tecate for beer, eggnog for the holidays, lambrusco wine, and yes my sobe energy drink!

What room are you in? at home in my little den :)

Your hobby? writing

Your fear? Death

Where do you want to be in 6 years? alive and well off!

Where were you last night? duh, it was weekday so at home

Something that you aren't? perfect

Muffins? yes , blueberry please.

Wish list item? be a famous author

Last thing you did? haha my private life is private, can't tell :)

What are you wearing? sweats and sweatshirt, what a combo!

TV? yes, two. in living room and in the bedroom

Your pet? my lovely Feona

Friends? my family are my friends.

Your life? Excellent!

Your mood? in peace

Missing someone? no

Drinking? right now nothing

Your car? well, my truck.

Something you're not wearing? a hat

Your favorite store? it depends. hmm hastings and barnes and noble, for everything else, wal-mart, cheaper :)

Your favorite color? green

When is the last time you cried? crying is a weakness.

Where do you go to over and over? work. part of life

Five people who email me regularly? i just text but here are 4.
1. Nelly
2. isabel
3. evelyn
4. cecy

Favorite place I'd like to be right now? i'm home, and i'm here :)

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