Monday, July 20, 2009

The scars from yesterday

Everyday going home I pass thru this church. They always have this big sign with a saying of the day or week. This past week they had a sign that said, "don't start your day with the scars from yesterday." I want to express my feelings on this. Yes, it's true. Everyday is a different day. What good or bad that happened yesterday it's gone already. There is nothing you can do about it anymore. Today is a new day, start fresh, take a deep breath and breath life. Life is a gift, and we must cherish it. So if yesterday you argued with a loved one, call them up today and say you're sorry, don't go on another day feeling angry. If you were happy yesterday, then today you should be even happier. I know I am. Smile a lot, its good for the heart.

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