Friday, April 9, 2010

7.2 Earthquake in Mexicali

On Sunday, April 4 around 3:30 p.m. we had an earthquake. I was with my family in Somerton, Arizona having our Easter get together when it hit. I have never in my life felt what I felt that day. I was scared. The ground kept moving nonstop. I have no other words to express how I felt. I was just scared.

I do want to comment on something though, the earthquake did do major damage. The smaller towns south of Mexical where affected drastically. Water lines broke, canals broke open causing the water to go into houses. Some relatives of mine had to abandon their home and go with relatives because of danger of one of the dams breaking. The ones who didn't have relatives had to go to a Sanluis park called "el bosque" and sleep in tents. Till now these small towns remain with no electricity or water. I am not too happy right now. I don't see any help going to Mexico. Where is the Red Cross? Where are the other institutions that helped the victims of Haiti and the Chile earthquakes? Everyone is created equal. Please help Mexico. I'm posting a slide show of some pictures that I gathered.

Earthquake Slide Show

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Ylmar's Birthday

On Saturday April 3rd, 2010, we celebrated the birthday of Ylmar Lopez. She turned 2.

She was so cute! She was afraid of the piƱata! We had fish and shrimp and cake for dessert. It was a nice family gathering. Happy Birthday Ylmar.